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Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola
Gotu Kola

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Product Description:

Scientific name: Centella asiatica

Gotu Kola, and it's scientific name: Cantella Asiatica is wild herb native to China, India, Japan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, South Africa, and the South Pacific. It is used to treat Stomach Ulcers, Syhpillis, Mental Fatigue, Fever, Epilepsy, Diarrhea, Hepatitis, and Asthma. Do not confuse Gotu Kola, with Kola Nut. Gotu Kola does not contain caffeine, which Kola Nut does. intelligence and memory. It strengthens the adrenal glands while cleansing the blood to treat skin impurities. It is said to combat stress and depression, energize flagging mental powers, increase libido, ward off a nervous breakdown and improve reflexes. It energizes the central nervous system and rebuilds energy reserves.

Product Details:

Gotu Kola (1 oz.)

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Page last modified: 07-02-2024 02:35:47 PM