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Bulk Herbs


Chamomile Herb
Chamomile Herb

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Chamomile has been around since the beginning of mankind. Chamomile is a member of the Asteraceae family. It is available in two varieties, German Chamomile, and Roman Chamomile.

Chamomile contains many medicinal properties, including terpenoids and flavonoids.

Chamomile is used for many herbal remedies including: inflammation, muscle spasms,menstrual disorders, hay fever, ulcers, insommnia, wounds, gastrointestinal disorders, and rheumatic pain.

Many of the oils in Chamomile are used in cosmetics. Chamomile tea is consumed by the world population every day.

Scientific name:

Matricaria chamomilla

Damiana Tunera Leaf

Damiana Tunera Leaf
Damiana Tunera Leaf

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Damiana is a shrub which grows in the wild in The West Indies, Mexico, and Central America. Scientists are concerned with the leaf and stem parts to make medicine.

Damiana is used nowadays to treat sexual problems and is used as an Aprhrodisiac. Damiana is a popular herb and can be found in many herbal supplements and tinctures.

Chamomile is used for many herbal remedies including: inflammation, muscle spasms,menstrual disorders, hay fever, ulcers, insommnia, wounds, gastrointestinal disorders, and rheumatic pain.

Many of the oils in Chamomile are used in cosmetics. Chamomile tea is consumed by the world population every day.

Scientific name:

Turnera diffusa

Ginko Leaf Organic

Ginko Leaf Organic
Ginko Leaf Organic

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"Be a clean self."

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Ginko, also called Ginko Biloba, is a tree native to China. It grows in environments which are well drained and can reach a height of 160 ft, and some specimens are more than 2,500 years old. It is the only living species of the division ginkophyta, with all others being extinct.

It has various medicinal uses and has been given to members of the royal court for ailments such as selinity (calmness), asthma, bronchitis, and kidney disorders. Ginko is manufactured into many different forms, including: capsules, tablets, extracts, tea, and is used in cosmetics.

Other ailments Ginko can be used for are: tinnitus, dementia, eye problems, and intermittent claudication (leg pain caused by narrowing of arteries in the leg).

Scientific name:

Salisburia adiantifolia



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There are ten species of Echinacea, all of which are called Coneflowers. Some common names of Echinacea are: Coneflower, Purple Coneflower, and American Coneflower.

The Great Plains Indians used Echinacea as a traditional medicine. Echinacea is used to fight the common cold. The roots and the above ground parts are used to create tea, tablets, capsules, extracts, and to make herbal supplements. Echinacea has been used to make skin medicine to treat wounds and skin problems.

Echinacea grows mostly in Eastern and North America and can be found in moist to dry prairies. Echinacea is from the daisy family. Echinacea produces few side effects in most people.

No drug interactions exist between herbs and Echinacea.

Scientific name:

Echinacea purpurea

Goldenseal Root Organic

Goldenseal Root
Goldenseal Root

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"Be cleansed."

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Goldenseal Root is used traditionally to treat upper respiratory infections. Goldenseal has been proven ineffective for it's most famous use, masking illegal drugs in urine.

Native Americans used Goldenseal as a dye and for digestive problems, skin disorders, diarrhea, liver disease, and eye problems.

It is recommended to discuss use with your health care practitioner for any interactions.

Goldenseal is often called orangeroot, or yellow puccoon. It is a plant in the buttercup family Ranuncalaceae with origins of Canada, and the United States.

It is easily identified by it's yellow knotted rootstock.

Scientific name:

Hydrastis canadensis

Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola
Gotu Kola

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Gotu Kola, and it's scientific name: Cantella Asiatica is wild herb native to China, India, Japan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, South Africa, and the South Pacific. It is used to treat Stomach Ulcers, Syhpillis, Mental Fatigue, Fever, Epilepsy, Diarrhea, Hepatitis, and Asthma.

Do not confuse Gotu Kola, with Kola Nut. Gotu Kola does not contain caffeine, which Kola Nut does.

intelligence and memory. It strengthens the adrenal glands while cleansing the blood to treat skin impurities. It is said to combat stress and depression, energize flagging mental powers, increase libido, ward off a nervous breakdown and improve reflexes. It energizes the central nervous system and rebuilds energy reserves. Botanical Name: Cantella Asiatica

Scientific name:

Centella asiatica

Gunpowder Green Tea

Green Tea - Gunpowder
Green Tea - Gunpowder

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"Get caffeinated - 40 mg caffeine per cup."

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Purchase Chamomile (1 Oz)

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Sipping tea helps you slow down and relax, Reardon says. A natural chemical called theanine found in green tea can provide a calming effect. Add lemon. Vitamin C makes the catechins a easier to absorb. Green tea has also been shown to help block the formation of plaques that are linked to Alzheimer's disease. Green tea seems to help keep blood sugar stable in people with diabetes. Don't add green tea to boiling water. It's bad for catechins, those healthy chemicals, in the tea. Better: 160-170 degree water. Add lemon. Vitamin C makes the catechins a easier to absorb.

Daily consumption of green tea has been associated with a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Green tea has been the focus of exciting new studies indicating its effectiveness in raising metabolism for weight loss and preventing and fighting cancer as well as other disease with its super antioxidants. It has a long list of potential health benefits and is used to regulate blood sugar and blood pressure, boost the immune system, prevent ulcers, control inflammation, viral colds and flu, prevents gum disease, cavities, and bad breath. It also been indicated for lowering cholesterol, preventing heart disease, osteoporosis and blood clots. Botanical Name: Camellia Sinensis

Scientific name:

Camellia sinensis

Guarana Seed Powder

Guarana Seed Powder
Guarana Seed Powder

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Guarana is a climbing plant in the maple family, Sapindaceae, native to the Amazon basin and especially common in Brazil. As a dietary supplement, guarana is an effective stimulant:[1] its seeds contain about twice the concentration of caffeine found in coffee seeds (about 2�4.5% caffeine in guarana seeds compared to 1�2% for coffee seeds).

Guarana is used in sweetened or carbonated soft drinks and energy shots, an ingredient of herbal teas or contained in dietary supplement capsules. Generally, South America obtains most of its caffeine from guarana. Botanical Name: Paullinia Cupana

Scientific name:

Paullinia cupana

Hops Flowers

Hops Flowers
Hops Flowers

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Hops are the flowers (also called seed cones or strobiles) of the hop plant Humulus lupulus. They are used primarily as a flavoring and stability agent in beer, to which they impart bitter, zesty, or citric flavours; though they are also used for various purposes in other beverages and herbal medicine. Hops is used for anxiety, inability to sleep (insomnia) and other sleep disorders, restlessness, tension, excitability, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), nervousness, and irritability. It is also used to improve appetite, increase urine flow, start the flow of breast milk, as a bitter tonic, and for indigestion.

Other uses include prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, high cholesterol, tuberculosis, bladder infections, intestinal cramps, an intestinal disorder called mucous colitis, nerve pain, and prolonged painful erection of the penis (priapism). Hops is sometimes applied to the skin for leg ulcers and as an antibacterial agent. In foods and beverages, the extracts and oil are used as flavor components. Hops are also used in brewing beer. In manufacturing, the extract is used in skin creams and lotions. Hops may make depression worse. Avoid use. Botanical Name: Humulus Lupulus

Scientific name:

Humulus lupulus

Horny Goat Weed

Horny Goat WeedHorny Goat Weed

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"Boost sexual pleasure."

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Epimedium, also known as barrenwort, bishop's hat, fairy wings, horny goat weed, or yin yang huo, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Berberidaceae. The majority of the species are endemic to China, with smaller numbers elsewhere in Asia, and a few in the Mediterranean region.

Epimedium species are deciduous or evergreen hardy perennials.

Horny Goat Weed aids in erectile dysfunction. Legend in China claims that this weed was ingested by some goats. The herder observed the behavior of the animals after consuming the plant and decided that this plant must contain certain properties associated with aphrodisiacs. Horny Goat Weed is often used to treat osteoporosis and various sexual dysfunctions.

Scientific name:


Kava Kava Root Powder

Kava Kava Root Powder
Kava Kava Root Powder

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Kava is a beverage or extract that is made from Piper methysticum, a plant native to the western Pacific islands. The name "kava" comes from the Polynesian word "awa," which means bitter.

In the South Pacific, kava is a popular social drink, similar to alcohol in Western societies. Some people take kava by mouth to calm anxiety, stress, and restlessness, and to treat sleeping problems (insomnia). It is also used for attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), withdrawal from benzodiazepine drugs, epilepsy, psychosis, depression, migraines and other headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), common cold and other respiratory tract infections, tuberculosis, muscle pain, and cancer prevention. Some people also take kava by mouth for urinary tract infections (UTIs), pain and swelling of the uterus, venereal disease, menstrual discomfort, and to increase sexual desire.

Kava is applied to the skin for skin diseases including leprosy, to promote wound healing, and as a painkiller. It is also used as a mouthwash for canker sores and toothaches. Kava is also consumed as a beverage in ceremonies to promote relaxation. Kava or kava-kava (Piper methysticum: Latin "pepper" + Latinized Greek "intoxicating") is a crop of the western Pacific. The name kava(-kava) is from Tongan and Marquesan; The roots of the plant are used to produce a drink with sedative, anesthetic, euphoriant, and entheogenic properties. Kava is consumed throughout the Pacific Ocean cultures of Polynesia, including Hawaii, Vanuatu, Melanesia and some parts of Micronesia for its sedating effects. Botanical Name: Piper Methysticum

Scientific name:

Piper methysticum

Mugwort Herb Organic

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Mugwort contains volatile oil, flavonoids, a sesquiterpene lactone, coumarin derivatives and triterpenes. Mugwort is most commonly used to treat disorders of the digestive tract and aid in all digestive functions and is said to have properties that are anti-fungal, antibacterial, expectorative and antiasthmatic.

It�s considered a good herb for gastric disorder, stomach pain and bowel complaints. It�s used for poor appetite, indigestion, travel sickness and stomach acidity. Mugwort is thought to be effective in treating a wide range of parasitic infections, such as tapeworm, roundworm and thread-worm. It is also considered effective against parasites like ring worms that infect the skin. Botanical Name: Artemisia vulgaris

Scientific name:

Artemisia vulgaris

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